Inspired: Tara Wiese & Cheryl Hilling

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Tara Wiese inspired by Cheryl Hilling Dear INTJ Cheryl, I couldn’t wait to write this letter to you. From our formal mentoring match to a growing friendship ever since, I’m grateful for your influence on my life. You gave me a healthy, self-check mirror and access to new ideas that helped me grow into my 40-year-old […]

Inspired: Victoria Love & Kadi Brown

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Victoria Love inspired by Kadi Brown Kadi, As I write this, I can’t help but reflect on your incredible impact on my life. No matter how busy life can be, your dedication to making a difference is nothing short of inspiring. What has always impressed me, Kadi, is your boundless compassion. You are one of […]

Inspired: Lisa Crawford & Genna Bagley

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Lisa Crawford inspired by Genna Bagley Genna, True friendships are like the most beautiful sunset that illuminates the sky. When I see you, my best friend, walking towards me or see your number on my phone it illuminates my heart. We may not speak every single day, but we are always connected. In 28 years, […]

How to Ask for a Raise

graphic illustration of male worker discussing a raise with his boss

Money Talks If the thought of sitting down with your boss and asking for a raise seems highly intimidating, you aren’t alone. Although it’s not always an easy conversation to have, when backed by some research, key talking points, and a little confidence, the discussion becomes a lot less scary. Just remember, you and your […]

Numbers to Know – Fall 2023

numbers to know | illustration of woman with hair loss

The Truth About Your Tresses – 50% An estimated 50% of women will suffer from significant hair loss, according to the Cleveland Clinic. In fact, more than 30% of women will experience hair loss before they’ve reached 40. A number of factors can contribute to hair loss, including diet, genetics, age, stress, illness, and hormonal […]

Inspired: Karen Hewitt & Susan Johnson

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Karen Hewitt inspired by Susan Johnson Susan, You are such a loyal friend, and I thank God every day that you are a part of my life. From health issues, Covid, and the many trips we have taken, you are full of memories, laughter, and friendship to me. When a crisis arises you always say, […]

Health in a Minute – Fall 2023

health in a minute fall 2023 | illustration of teen girl with burnout

Q. My teenage daughter was recently diagnosed with autism. I’ve noticed that lately her workload has increased, and she doesn’t seem to have energy for activities she used to enjoy. I’m worried she may be experiencing burnout – any advice? A. It’s important to recognize that being an autistic individual comes with a lot of […]

Her Story: Destini Russell

destini russell

Destini Russell Talks Taking Back Control of Your Health Sarcoidosis is a sneaky illness. It is an autoimmune disease in which cells become inflamed. It presents itself in varying forms, sometimes so subtly that you mistake the symptoms for common health issues. Sometimes, there are no symptoms at all. It shape-shifts. It is not limited […]

Meet Our Model: Julie Edwards

Julie Edwards

For Julie Edwards, health and wellness takes many different forms. Whether it’s working in the garden, going for walks, or simply having conversations with loved ones, Edwards is focused on forming connections in order to enrich her life. As a recent empty nester, Edwards has been relying on her faith, friends, and family – and […]

Inspired: Cheri Hudgins & Sharon Kelly

cheri hudgins & sharon kelly

Cheri Hudgins inspired by Sharon Kelly Mom, As a child growing up, you always taught me to be better, do more, never settle, and be the best person I can be. Being a young mother to two girls, you exemplified strength and lured the essence of hope. We maneuvered through the housing system while you […]

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