
woman applying moisturizer

Moisturizers 101

Moisturizer is a staple in a good skincare routine. Whether your face, body, or both are needing some extra hydration, there are many great moisturizers

graphic illustration of woman holding sunscreen


Top Sunscreens to Try Beat the heat and keep your skin safe this summer with these popular sunscreens. For the most protection, apply sunscreen 30

woman with minimal makeup

Tips on Decluttering Your Makeup Collection

Let’s Get Minimal! Applying makeup should be uplifting and stress-free. If you’re looking to streamline your makeup routine and reduce clutter, a minimal makeup collection

graphic illustration of long lashes

Luxurious Lashes

Show Your Lashes Some Love With These Eyelash Growth Serums First came mascara, then came eyelash extensions … then came the advent of eyelash growth

illustration of aromatherapy products

A Guide to At-Home Aromatherapy

Heaven-Scent Spa Care Essential oils are easy to use and offer a host of calming benefits. From easing joint inflammation to aiding deep sleep, essential

makeup products exploding out of a bag

Makeup Routines 101

When it comes to makeup routines, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. How you decide to wear your makeup should be all about having fun, getting

Going for the Glow: Self Tanners

Skip the Sun With These Self-Tanners Warm weather and tanned skin go hand and hand; unfortunately, spending hours in the sun isn’t the healthiest way

makeup brushes

Must-Have Makeup Brush Sets

Set Up for Success Professional makeup artist Bobbi Brown once said, “The right tools are just as important as the makeup itself.” That’s certainly the

Mutha Body Butter

The Body Butter Benefit

Keep Parched Skin at Bay All Winter Long The temperature is dropping, which means it’s that time of year to swap out your lightweight lotion

Fab Fit Fun Subscription Box

Subscription Beauty Boxes

Think Inside the Box With a subscription, you can have a beauty box sent to you that arrives full of fun and useful health and

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