Love & Sex

married couple loving baby

Martial Health After Baby

Annual Women’s Health Section The birth of a first child can be a major adjustment for couples to navigate. Understanding Marital Health After Baby Over

graphic illustration of broken heart, no kissing, female and male symbols in a pink background

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Annual Women’s Health Section While a woman’s libido fluctuates throughout her lifetime, a prolonged loss of sexual desire can cause distress. Understanding Hypoactive Sexual Desire

illustration of a good first date conversation

How to Have a Fun & Effective First Date

Dating Details First dates can be nerve-wracking. Between choosing the perfect location and wondering if you and your date will click, you may not have

A Meaningful Marriage

For most couples, a long and happy marriage is no walk in the park. Both parties have to exemplify love, support, and gratitude to create

dr. neha shah

Spellbinding Spring Dates

Spring Into Date Night With These Ideas From Local Ladies ‘Tis the season to pull out the picnic blanket, strap on your sandals, and head

courtney and bob poore

Surprising Your Spouse

Relationship Tips from Local Ladies Marriage is a complex relationship that enriches many of our lives. However, coming up with creative ideas for ways to

couple standing back to back in bright colored clothes turning to look at each other in chattanooga overcoming communication barriers

Communication Is Key

5 Tips for Communicating More Effectively in Your Marriage Communication is a funny thing. You may think you are clearly communicating a message only to

Small Gestures that Show You Care

Anita & Dr. Rob Headrick Riverview I believe in letting my friends and loved ones know how much I appreciate them. Although I don’t think

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Two Parts of a Whole

Fostering Emotional Independence in Marriage Independence is a celebrated trait in today’s society. We’re encouraged to be independent– to look after ourselves, make our own

Danna Vaughn and her husband on balancing work and relationships in chattanooga

How Do They Do It?

Balancing full-time, professional careers with the romance and responsibilities of marriage can be challenging. These four locals share their favorite tips for prioritizing their relationship

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