Karen Hewitt inspired by Susan Johnson
You are such a loyal friend, and I thank God every day that you are a part of my life. From health issues, Covid, and the many trips we have taken, you are full of memories, laughter, and friendship to me. When a crisis arises you always say, “Look for the positive, and take it one day at a time.” It’s never “you can do this” but “WE can do this,” or “WE can get through this,” which is so comforting. You are thoughtful and caring, and I can rely on you for anything, whether it be a home-cooked meal when a family member is sick, a phone call full of tears or laughter, dinner out, help with the grandchildren, or just to go on an adventure. A loyal, hardworking, genuine friend is hard to find, and those are just a few of your amazing qualities. I am so thankful to have shared this life with you, and I could never express all of the gratitude I have for you. Thanks for being so supportive and inspiring in all areas of life. Someone once said, “You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” I am so thankful we share so many memories together. You are such a blessing!
- Karen

Karen (Left) and Susan (Right)
A loyal, hardworking, genuine friend is hard to find, and those are just a few of your amazing qualities.”
Karen Hewitt