
christy howard

Her Story: Christy Howard

Christy Howard on Reaching New Heights Two years ago, I got an idea – I want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest peak in Africa

graphic illustration of women's hands holding sunscreen

Numbers to Know: Summer 2024

Sunscreen should be applied 15-30 minutes before you head outside. After the initial application, you should reapply every two hours to have optimal protection. If

go red for women | rhonda gilliland

Survivor Story: Rhonda Gilliland

The American Heart Association is dedicated to building healthy lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke, through education, caregiver support, research, and development of healthcare

caring for your cushions | rows of white pillows in sky blue background

A Guide to Caring for Your Cushions

A Spring Cleaning Guide Pillows are among the most well-loved amenities in our homes, but how can we best care for them? Regularly washing sheets

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