Real Women

Stacy Johnson

Meet Our Model: Stacy Johnson

For Stacy Johnson, executive director at La Paz Chattanooga, health and wellness have been an evolution. A member of an active family, Johnson is using

monica bishop

Her Story: Monica Bishop

Monica Bishop Talks Overcoming Pain & Choosing Happiness The 8-out-of-10 shoulder pain came out of nowhere. I hadn’t hurt myself; my shoulder just started hurting.

Inspired: Katie Dyson & Mary Fortune

Katie Dyson inspired by Mary Fortune Mary, Cheerleader, mentor, comedian, leader, teacher, friend – it’s rare to find all these things bundled into one human,

donna johnson

Her Story: Donna Johnson

Donna Johnson Embraces Life’s Challenges & Opportunities Ten years ago, I was about to turn 50 and, for the first time in my adult life,

Ginny Kelly Feature

Meet Our Model – Ginny Kelly

For Ginny Kelly, health and wellness have always been a vital part of her life. With a dad who was a collegiate football coach and

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