Inspired: Marcherie Jamene Savage & Kilzma Brown

Marcherie Jamene Savage inspired by Kilzma Brown

Pastor K,

I remember attending a youth bible study session where you asked us all, “Do you know your purpose?” The room was pretty quiet, so you followed with “Here are some indicators that can help point you in the right direction. What do you enjoy so much that you would do for free? What do other people naturally compliment you on?” and you went on to ask other questions that I decided to jot down to think about later at home. Although I didn’t have the answers right then, your questions helped prepare me later in life to make a sound career decision.

Much of the wisdom you and your family have shared is what makes me who I am today. In addition to your wisdom, your ability to be transparent is what I connected to most. I think it’s hard to look up to, communicate with, or to even be vulnerable with people that insinuate they’re flawless. So, your transparency facilitates the fact that there’s hope for a better tomorrow.

As I faced losing my mom suddenly, you were one of the key people who helped me overcome in more ways than one. I’m forever thankful to have you and your family in my life as a north star.

- Marcherie

marcherie jamene savage and kilzma brown

Marcherie Jamene Savage (Left) and Kilzma (Right)

Your transparency facilitates the fact that there’s hope for a better tomorrow.”

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