Six Rules to Raise Your Children By

a young family enjoying spending time together

It seems like now, more than ever before, parents are questioning how to raise their children. They are asking questions like: How do you teach them to respect others and authority? How do you take a strong will and point it in a positive direction? How do you teach them to take responsibility for themselves? […]

Devoted Dads: Shaping Daughters’ Lives

graphic illustration of dad hugging daughter

Last week, I watched a father literally gush over the birth of his daughter. He has a son whom he loves, but there was something different about the way he looked at his daughter. What is it about the father/daughter relationship that is so special? Full PDF here. Dr. Meg Meeker, author of “Strong Fathers, Strong […]

Keys to Keeping Your Kids Healthy

As adults, we have the power to control many aspects of our own health. We choose our diet, set our own exercise routines, and make decisions about when to see a doctor. But our children depend on us to make these decisions for them – to help keep them healthy and thriving. It’s not always […]

Healthy Milestones

Parenting has always been a bit of a mystery. No two children are the same. Even if you’ve raised one or two already, you can find that taking care of your next child is uncharted territory. Luckily, there are many milestones you can follow to understand your child’s development and figure out if he or […]

Teen Sexting

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and iChat: When it comes to technology, it’s hard to keep up with the younger, totally tech-savvy generation. While some parents are totally on top of what their kids are doing, most would tell you they are in the dark. “What in the heck is Snapchat?” asked a parent at a recent […]

Make Bedtime Easier

1. Turn off all electronics. That means the TV, computer, video games—anything that could be overly stimulating. Shut everything off at least 1 hour before bedtime. 2. Nap smart. Don’t let your child to nap too close to bedtime. If they do take an afternoon nap, limit it to no more than 2 hours. 3. Eliminate caffeine. […]

It’s Your Role…

Mother and daughter at home having a talk at home

How to Have a Strong Mother-Daughter Relationship I remember growing up thinking my mom was overprotective and out of touch. It seemed like we butted heads on everything from how well I did my chores and homework to the clothing I wore and my hairstyle. Now I have a daughter and she would probably tell […]

Pool Rules

mother and child having fun in a swimming pool

It’s summer and the kids are hot. A day at the pool, whether it’s your own, a neighbor’s or the community’s, is the perfect solution. Unfortunately, many people don’t know the basics of pool safety, and as a result, there are many pool-related accidents and deaths each year. According to the CDC, about 10 people […]

Who is in Charge?

mother and daughter smiling in a photo together

Navigating Parenthood: Setting Up Boundaries and Limits for Your Children Not long ago, I was at the mall where I witnessed an exchange between a mom and her teen daughter. The daughter wanted to purchase something, and the mother told her no. What happened next amazed me. The daughter proceeded to let her mother have […]

From Teasing to Torment: Bullying

Friend comforts fellow student after he has been bullied outside the elementary school building, Other students in background laugh at boy behind his back.

Effects of Bullying What parent hasn’t recited the familiar adage: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” True, an occasional cruel word is not likely to permanently scar the psyche of its victim, but when the victim is repeatedly attacked – either verbally or physically – the end result […]

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