Keys to Keeping Your Kids Healthy

As adults, we have the power to control many aspects of our own health. We choose our diet, set our own exercise routines, and make decisions about when to see a doctor. But our children depend on us to make these decisions for them – to help keep them healthy and thriving. It’s not always easy, however, to know what’s best for your child.

Fortunately, there are a number of reliable medical sources offering helpful information on children’s health like Nemours (a respected children’s health non-profit organization), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). While no means a replacement for seeing your health care provider, they are valuable resources for any parent.

Establishing a handful of key routines can also help parents raise healthy children who laugh a lot, play hard, and live life to the fullest. In this special section, we outline some of these important practices, including:

  • Prenatal Screening
  • Tracking Healthy Milestones
  • Taking Care of Teeth
  • Following a Vaccination Schedule
    Of course, with kids, some illnesses just can’t be prevented—infections, colds, and chicken pox may happen from time to time. This is why we also offer information on common conditions experienced in childhood, including:
  • RSV and Strep Throat
  • Ear Infections

Knowledge is key to prevention and treatment, and an important part of parenthood is educating yourself on the issues that affect your children. So read on, and learn about some vital ways you can look out for your child’s health, wellness, and overall well-being.

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