Inspired: Lisa Moore & Wendy Lawhorn

lisa moore & wendy lawhorn

Lisa Moore inspired by Wendy Lawhorn Wendy, I often thank God for the amazing person and treasured gift you are to this world. I am so grateful for the genuine grace and love that you bring to my life and to so many others. You fill hearts, inspire minds, and warm souls in so many […]

Her Story: Lauren Guin

Guin Family

Lauren Guin on Shifting Perspectives My 20s were filled with amazing accomplishments and wonderful memories accompanied by complete heartbreak and an abundant amount of grief. I thought surely, after watching my favorite person on earth succumb to a four-year battle with cancer and then going through a divorce at 26 while living hours away from […]

Inspired: Leah Hutcherson & Beth Thomas

leah hutcherson & beth thomas

Leah Hutcherson inspired by Beth Thomas Beth, Since you came into my life over a decade ago, I’ve seen you handle difficulties with incredible grace and humor, selflessly serve those around you, and love on everyone in your life, whether through a home-cooked meal, opening your home, or a beautifully knit blanket. You tirelessly invest […]

Inspired: Megan Goodman & Sarah Love Hart

megan goodman & sarah love hart

Megan Goodman inspired by Sarah Love Hart Sarah, Almost 10 years ago I walked into your office at the BDC, and the first thing I saw was a print that said, “Celebrate every day like it’s your birthday.” It told me everything I needed to know about you. You’re the life of the party, an […]

Health in a Minute: Late Summer 2023

health in a minute | illustration of colorful dialogue bubbles, lips, and a quotation mark

Q. My father is in his late 60s and has been experiencing aphasia after a stroke. He is currently participating in speech therapy, but… is there anything I can personally do to help with his recovery? A. Aphasia can be a challenging and frustrating condition associated with difficulty with communication. It can involve both auditory […]

Caring for Cast Iron

small cast iron pan with toasted food in it on top of wooden table

Cast iron skillets are sturdy cookware that can last a lifetime with proper upkeep. However, concerns about its complicated care process often keep people from making the swap to cast iron. Using and cleaning cast iron may look a little different than with other cookware, but it’s well worth the investment and much simpler than […]

Tips for Shopping for Window Treatments

illustration of four windows with each one having different curtains and blinds

Curtains, Shades, and Blinds. Oh My! From selecting shades to budgeting for blinds, the world of window treatments can be a daunting place. Window treatments not only help drive home your personal style and pull a room together, but they also have greater implications when it comes to privacy, safety, and cleaning. Here, we’ve outlined […]

Numbers to Know: Late Summer 2023

illustration of irritated wife listening to her husband's loud snoring

Stop Snoring! If you spend most of the night listening to your partner snore, you’re not alone. Approximately 44% of men and 28% of women in the United States regularly snore. The Sleep Foundation recommends these tips to reduce or even eliminate snoring: Sleep on your side. Wear a nasal strip or dilator. Use an […]

Meet Our Model: Shewanee Howard-Baptiste

shewanee howard-baptiste

For Shewanee Howard-Baptiste, health and wellness have long been a part of her journey on earth. With degrees in exercise science and coaching, Howard-Baptiste is no stranger to the power of movement, but integrating that movement with other parts of one’s life is the true key. Today, Howard-Baptiste uses exercise as a primary way to […]

Inspired: Madyson Smith & Kim Shumpert

madyson smith and kim shumpert

Madyson Smith inspired by Kim Shumpert Kim, Meeting someone that offers honesty, shows loyalty and genuineness, and provides laughter along the way is a hard find. You entered my life during a moment of healing and reflection. Not only were you a reliable mentor but became an instant heart-to-heart connection. Both being outsiders, and you […]

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