Inspired: Megan Goodman & Sarah Love Hart

Megan Goodman inspired by Sarah Love Hart


Almost 10 years ago I walked into your office at the BDC, and the first thing I saw was a print that said, “Celebrate every day like it’s your birthday.” It told me everything I needed to know about you. You’re the life of the party, an incredibly creative businesswoman, and a wonderful friend to everyone you meet. Over the last decade, you’ve encouraged me to embrace every facet of my life while honoring and recognizing countless others in their times of triumph. Most notably to me, during Covid, you saw a huge opportunity to expand the queendom by doing what you do best, showing up for your people. In a time when your friends needed you most, you found a way to care for them through food and grow it into a business giving us all what we truly needed – connection. And tomato pies. 

Through knowing you, I’ve become a better business owner, sister, daughter, and most importantly friend. Thank you, Sarah, for showing us all what it means to celebrate the everyday. Nice girls forever! 

- Megan

megan goodman & sarah love hart

Sarah Love Hart (Left) and Megan Goodman (Right)

Thank you, Sarah, for showing us all what it means to celebrate the everyday.”

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