Inspired: Whitney Hood & Belinda Crisman

whitney hood and belinda crisman

Whitney Hood inspired by Belinda Crisman Belinda, You have known me my whole life and watched me grow into the person I am today! As my very own elementary school principal, you were kind, fair, and loving. Once elementary school was over, you always kept up with where I was and what I was doing, […]

Inspired: Laura Brown & Sylvia Banks

laura brown and sylvia banks

Laura Brown inspired by Sylvia Banks Sylvia, You are someone who truly inspires me in every aspect of life, and I admire the person you are. Your kindness and inner beauty radiate from you effortlessly. Whether helping someone in need, offering a listening ear, or performing random acts of kindness for others, your generous spirit […]

Estate Planning for Singles

illustration of single woman doing estate planning

Preparing for the Future No matter your life circumstances, estate planning provides an important opportunity to prepare yourself and your loved ones for the future. Here, we talk with Evan Russell, a financial advisor with Raymond James Round Table Advisors, to understand this process and some specific needs that unmarried individuals might have. Documentation Demystified […]

Her Story: Kimberly Wells

kimberly wells

Kimberly Wells On Rebuilding the Life of Her Dreams I believe it is never too late to follow your dreams and begin living life to the fullest. My story is living proof that regardless of the trials and tribulations you have lived through, or the obstacles that come your way, you can have a beautiful […]

Numbers to Know: New Year 2024

numbers to know new year 2024 | illustration of woman writing schedule

2 Months – The average amount of time it takes to form a new habit. Habit formation takes time, but the good news is it’s not an all-or-nothing process. While forming a new habit does take an average of 66 days, research shows that missing the occasional opportunity to maintain the habit doesn’t seriously impair […]

Meet Our Model – Tasia Malakasis

Tasia Malakasis

For Tasia Malakasis, chief executive officer at CO.LAB, health and wellness can be a journey that sparks joy. From morning meditation to self-care through cooking and long walks with loved ones, Malakasis works mindfulness and movement into the rhythms of each new day – all while investing in others at work and at home. Here, […]

Inspired: Meg Shuptrine & Melissa Kubic

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Meg Shuptrine inspired by Melissa Kubic Melissa, Without a shadow of a doubt, the Lord directed my every step leading me your way after constant hopelessness and disappointment, battling severe and chronic pelvic floor pain. Little did I know, you would become not just a life changing health provider and advocate but a genuine and […]

Numbers to Know Winter 2023

numbers to know winter 2023 | graphic illustration of a woman coping with anxiety

Considering Permanent Contraception? Vasectomies are over 99.99% effective in preventing pregnancy. It’s estimated that 50 million men have undergone a vasectomy – approximately 5% of all married men of reproductive age. When compared to tubal ligation, which also provides permanent contraception, vasectomies are simpler, safer, more effective, and less expensive. 150 Minutes – The amount […]

Inspired: Rose Kehinde & Angie Wynn

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Rose Kehinde inspired by Angie Wynn Momma Angie, I am so grateful for the impact your friendship, mentorship, support, encouragement, and love have had on my life. Your presence in my life is a true blessing, and I cannot thank you enough. You are a true angel on Earth, embodying the values and teachings that […]

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