Move More, Feel Better

sydney craig

A Guided, At-Home Workout “More movement with more variety and frequency goes a long way toward feeling better in your body. Our culture sits a lot – but moving often throughout the 15-18 hours you’re awake (instead of packing everything into an hour-long workout) creates a more well-rounded, movement-rich life. These four exercises are designed […]

Flexibility After 50

orange yoga mat being unrolled outside in chattanooga

Importance of Maintaining Mobility Keeping your muscles limber is the single most important thing you can do to enjoy your senior years. This year, make sure improving flexibility remains at the top of your to-do list. Why Flexibility Matters Flexibility is often overlooked as a key factor in aging well, though its importance touches all […]

Intro to Kickboxing

Kickboxing in Chattanooga Guided At Home Workout Cross With Left Arm

Punch your way into shape with this high-energy kickboxing workout! The cardio-based routine, designed by Beth Mauldin at Total Fitness Kickboxing – East Brainerd, incorporates a mix of upper and lower body movements, which improves coordination while toning your muscles. Kickboxing is also an effective method for relieving stress. According to Beth, “This is a […]

Self-Defense Moves You Should Know

self defense moves for women in chattanooga

Being able to escape a physical attack is a skill every woman should have in her back pocket. A basic understanding of self-defense can build confidence and provide a sense of peace in potentially dangerous situations. While getting away is always the goal, sometimes confrontation is inevitable. Here, Trevor Haines and Michelle Gardner demonstrate five […]

Total-Body Workout (for Moms!)

Pregnant woman lunging with core ball in chattanooga

For this workout, you’ll need a core ball (or any kind of medium-sized ball) and a resistance band or hand weights. Perform each move for up to 90 seconds, and add in cardio bursts in between sets: go for a walk or quick jog, or perform stationary jumping jacks. Don’t forget to finish off the […]

Total-Body EMOM Circuit

plank position with weights

A Guided, At-Home Workout Shot on location at Sportsbarn Chattanooga “In this total-body circuit, you’ll be performing a different exercise Every Minute, On the Minute (EMOM). An EMOM is an interval workout in which a specific number of reps are performed at the start of every minute, followed by a period of rest for the […]

Gaining Grit When You’re Golden

kettlebell on green background

Benefits & Tips for Low-Impact Exercise If all the benefits of exercise were in a pill, everyone would take it! Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy, and recent studies suggest that more than a third of adults 65 and older are doing no leisure-time physical activity at all. If you fall into this category, it’s […]

Full Body Circuit Guided Workout

strong muscular man doing lunches in chattanooga

A Guided, At-Home Workout “This full body circuit targets all of the major muscle groups and can be tailored to fit your goals. These movements are designed to increase strength and endurance while improving range of motion and flexibility. A good frequency for this workout would be three times a week, with a day in […]

Intro to Yoga

woman doing yoga in chattanooga

If you’re looking to diversify your exercise routine, our at-home workout guide is for you. This round, we’ll be showing you a sample of yoga’s most approachable poses, each modeled to demonstrate safe and proper form. Promoting everything from balance and flexibility to strength and centered focus, this workout is sure to provide a realistic […]

Indoor Workouts

elderly woman working out indoors with weights

Too Cold or Rainy to Go Out? Workout Indoors! Don’t let the low temps of winter cool your exercise jets! If you’re in a good routine of working out, or need to start one, check out these top tips to help keep you fit during the cold months. Keep It Short and Simple There’s no […]

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