Carrie Tate’s Unloaded Workout

carrie tate

A Guided, At-Home Workout “This workout is great for someone who doesn’t have a lot of time or equipment. It can be performed at home or while you are traveling, and it works most of the major muscle groups to burn more calories. On top of that, the rep scheme is sure to keep your […]

Mary Walker’s Total-Body HIIT Workout

Mary Walker doing a sumo squat jump

Mary Walker’s 20-Minute HomeWERK A Guided, At-Home Workout “This total-body HIIT workout combines SPENGA’s three essential elements: cardio, strength, and flexibility. You will torch calories, increase your heart rate, boost your metabolism, and sculpt lean muscles! This sequence can be done with limited space and no equipment. Want to make it more challenging? Pick up […]

Mindi Blair’s Dance Cardio Routine

Mindi Blair

A Guided, At-Home Workout Dance cardio is one of the best (and most fun!) ways to get your heart pumping. In fact, studies suggest that moving your body through dance improves your cardiovascular health and boosts your mood. Here, Mindi Blair demonstrates an easy-to-follow routine that you can perform just about anywhere. “Who needs music […]

Top 5 Fitness Apps

Woman sitting on yoga mat and looking at her phone

The Fitness 5 We could all use a little motivation to work on our fitness game, and your phone can actually help with that. Fitness apps that feature step-by-step exercise routines, expert advice, activity logging, and more have been all the rage in recent years, making narrowing down your options the hardest part! Below, personal […]

Lisa McBryde’s Yoga Flow

Warrior II yoga pose

A Guided Workout This flow will focus on opening the hips and shoulders while challenging core stability, lower body strength, and balance. Hold each of the standing poses for three to five breaths – complete each pose on one side, and then move to Downward Dog before moving to the other side. Repeat the sequence […]

Top 5 Workout Snacks

Avocado Toast

The Fitness 5 It’s no surprise that what you eat – both before and after a workout – can help you achieve your fitness goals. In fact, properly fueling your body translates to more energy, speedier muscle recovery, and better overall performance. Here, fitness and nutrition coach Alex Wright gives us the 411 on her favorite pre- […]

A Guided Glute Workout

An At-Home Workout Why are glute exercises so important? We spend a lot of time sitting during the day! This constant disuse and pressure can create atrophy in the gluteal region. Strengthening your glute muscles can not only enhance your athletic performance, it can also serve as injury prevention – especially as it relates to […]

Lexi White’s Full-Body Burn

Lexi White

A Guided, At-Home Workout “You are 8 minutes away from feeling stronger and more energized! This House of Balance workout will increase your heart rate, tone your muscles, and boost your confidence.” Complete each exercise for 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. Repeat 2-3 times for an extra challenge. For more information and […]

Top 5 Ways to Work Out

women in a zumba class

The Fitness 5 If your exercise routine could use a little variety, you’ve come to the right place. Here, former fitness instructor Comelia Franceschi shares five different ways she gets a workout in throughout the week. “I’m not married to one type of workout,” Comelia says. “Mixing it up not only prevents boredom, but it […]

Performing Pilates

ari sanchez

“Pilates is a practice of integrating the mind-body connection with controlled, precise movements. This workout is focused on creating length in the body while challenging your deepest core muscles, glute strength, spinal and pelvic alignment, and more. All you need is a little space at home and a mat!” – Ari Sanchez, Owner, SPARK Studio

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