Meet Our Doctors – Dr. Christopher Greene

Dr. Christopher Greene

Hospice of Chattanooga, Ringgold Creating a Connection You could say that Dr. Christopher Greene wears many hats – and that’s exactly how he prefers it. In addition to his work as a family medicine doctor with CHI Memorial Family Medicine, Dr. Greene delivers comprehensive hospice and palliative care at Hospice of Chattanooga’s Ringgold location. “In […]

Her Story: Elizabel Hass

Elizabel Hass

Motivating Stories from Local Women Every woman has a story to tell, and no two stories are alike. Meet the women who have persevered through challenges and tribulations and come out the other side stronger than ever. These unique individuals have seen their fair share of adversity but continue to inspire those around them with […]

Inspired: Jordan Gustus & Erica Wright

Jordan Gustus, Inspired by Erica Wright

Women Celebrating Women The word inspire is defined as the act of filling someone with the urge or ability to do something, and here in Chattanooga, we have no shortage of incredible women who motivate those around them day in and day out.Whether they intentionally set out to be a role model or random acts […]

Inspired: Nicole Brown & Gwen Williams

Nicole Brown, Inspired by Gwen Williams

Women Celebrating Women The word inspire is defined as the act of filling someone with the urge or ability to do something, and here in Chattanooga, we have no shortage of incredible women who motivate those around them day in and day out.Whether they intentionally set out to be a role model or random acts […]

Inspired: Sarah Jackson & Dominique Harris

Sarah Jackson, Inspired by Dominique Harris

Women Celebrating Women The word inspire is defined as the act of filling someone with the urge or ability to do something, and here in Chattanooga, we have no shortage of incredible women who motivate those around them day in and day out.Whether they intentionally set out to be a role model or random acts […]

Inspired: Charlye White & Synamon Townsend

Charlye White, Inspired by Synamon Townsend

Women Celebrating Women The word inspire is defined as the act of filling someone with the urge or ability to do something, and here in Chattanooga, we have no shortage of incredible women who motivate those around them day in and day out.Whether they intentionally set out to be a role model or random acts […]

Grandmothers Share Rainy Day Tips

colorful illustrated raindrops

Rain, Rain, Go Away Grandparents have a special role in their grandchildren’s lives where they get to create traditions and make memories without a lot of the difficult parenting responsibilities.  Many families have all kinds of fun, out-of-the-ordinary things kids get to do at grandma’s house, but sometimes bad weather can throw a wrench in […]

In Mint Condition: Income Disparity in Relationships

illustration of income disparity

Compatibility is an important part of any relationship. We’re drawn to people that we can relate to in some way, and we form connections based on shared experiences, common interests, similar goals, and other common ground.

Balanced: Heather DeGaetano

Heather DeGaetano in Balanced

Counter the Impact of Life’s Many Demands With Intentional, Restorative Practices A life of balance looks different for everyone. For some, completing a hard workout and eating a nourishing meal may be soothing and restorative. For others, updating a personal budget and meeting up with friends for a night of enriching conversation might be just […]

Balanced: Rosetta Greer

Rosetta Greer

Counter the Impact of Life’s Many Demands With Intentional, Restorative Practices A life of balance looks different for everyone. For some, completing a hard workout and eating a nourishing meal may be soothing and restorative. For others, updating a personal budget and meeting up with friends for a night of enriching conversation might be just […]

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