Balanced: Rosetta Greer

Counter the Impact of Life’s Many Demands With Intentional, Restorative Practices

A life of balance looks different for everyone. For some, completing a hard workout and eating a nourishing meal may be soothing and restorative.

For others, updating a personal budget and meeting up with friends for a night of enriching conversation might be just what the doctor ordered. In this series, we celebrate the many ways through which we can come to centeredness by spotlighting women who are intentional about cultivating joy and balance through their own unique practices.

Rosetta Greer

Remember That Life Is a Possibility, Not a Limitation

Whenever I feel my energy shift from joy or peace, I don’t reject it. Instead, I assess these feelings of stress and acknowledge the truth of what I feel. Next, I have an experience of introspection, accountability, and acceptance. Then, I think of solutions to evolve beyond it and honor what was revealed to me. The more I practice honoring my peace and joy, the more I see stress as a possibility to further appreciate the solace I have.

Take on a New Adventure

Sometimes the best response to stress is finding a healthy way to detach from it. I have found that going to new environments in nature frees my mind in ways I can hardly explain. Whether I’m walking a new trail, going to an unfamiliar side of my favorite park, or visiting natural landscapes around the world, nature’s art gallery reminds me to nurture and cultivate what is before me in a manner that is conducive to all that is.

Be One With My Spirit

The word spirit is derived from Latin terms spiritus and spiraire, which mean breathe and breath. I’ve found that the more I create a lifestyle that allows me to breathe deeply – experiencing more feelings of authenticity, joy, peace, and love – the easier it becomes to center my essence in the wholeness of that breath. Once I learned that my thoughts, words, and actions influenced how I experienced stress, I made it a top priority to do things that help me continue to have oneness within my breath.

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