Raising Healthy Kids

As parents, we look after the health and wellness of our kids in hundreds of little ways every day. But sometimes, we can’t go it alone. An important part of raising healthy kids is about making sure they’re getting the health care they need. So read on to learn about the health checkups every child […]

Getting Up, Getting Out

Did you know that kids age 6 and older need at least one hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity? Here’s how you can make sure they’re getting what they need. Turn it off. The unfortunate reality for many kids is that they spend the majority of the day sitting in the classroom, and […]

Keeping Dad in the Picture

dad playing outdoors with son

Children benefit the most from having both parties involved in their lives. Here’s how you can help keep it that way. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. is the world’s leader in fatherless families. But even in families with both parents present, fathers sometimes get the shaft when it comes to involvement. That’s […]

Quality vs. Quantity Time with Dad

4 Ways Dads Can Foster a Close Relationship with Their Kids The issue of quantity vs. quality is a tough one, especially when it comes to time spent with your children. They grow up fast, yet life can be busy. Should you bring them along with you to run hours’ worth of errands or spend […]

Back to School

graphic illustration of child struggling to concentrate in class

Reading, Writing, & ADHD ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is estimated to affect 8 to 10% of school-aged children. With the new school year in full swing, children with ADHD and their parents may find it difficult to readjust and cope with the schedule and routine. The organization Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) provides […]

Helping Children Achieve Real Success

mom adjusting her son's uniform

Could our culture of self-esteem be keeping our kids from learning important life lessons? We have probably all witnessed a scene like this: a child performs in a play, and even though it’s evident that an acting career is not in his future, afterward his parents are raving about his “incredible talent.” Or perhaps your […]

Healthy Halloween

kids trick or treating carrying pumpkin buckets

Keep Trick-or-Treating Fun and Safe Between the ghosts, the goblins, the candy, and the costumes, some kids look forward to Halloween all year long. With so much excitement surrounding the season, it’s important to keep Halloween traditions fun and safe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer tons of useful precautions. Here are a […]

Is Scream-Free Parenting Possible?

Exhausted mother comforting baby

Keeping Calm and Parenting On It had been a long day and my fuse was short. Because our daughter was too smart for her own good, we had a saying in our house – “Ask before you do.” On this particular day, Ashley decided she wanted to paint her room, so she went in and […]

Teaching Your Daughter About True Beauty

Mother with two daughters on the beach

True beauty is never external — it comes from within and radiates out. Our daughters need to know this. Here are some ways we can help them truly understand. Sit down with your daughter and come up with your own definition of true beauty. Is it a warm smile and a gentle manner? Is it strength […]

Helping Kids with Portion Control

lunch box with healthy fruits and sandwiches

It’s important for adults to keep portions under control, but it’s equally important to teach kids at a young age to practice healthy portion and serving sizes. Things kids learn when they’re young, like healthy eating habits, are likely to stick with them throughout their adult lives as well. But how do you help your […]

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