Managing Menopause

managing menopause sideways female symbol chattanooga

Menopause. A transition many women approach with great trepidation. The hot flashes, the mood swings, and the unwelcome reminder that you’re getting older. While healthy and natural, it certainly isn’t always what you’d call pleasant. But with all the urban myths and horror stories out there, it’s time to dispel uncertainty and take back the […]

What Are the Stages of Labor?

reproductive health stages of labor chattanooga

6 Stages of Labor and Delivery From the first contractions to the final push, learn what to expect from labor and delivery. You’ve made it through the wild ride that is pregnancy. The bodily changes, the bizarre cravings, and likely, the lack of sleep. Now it’s time to start the labor and delivery process so […]

There’s an App for That

period tracker app chattanooga

By Katie Faulkner Need a reminder to take your birth control pill? Need a prompt to change your tampon? Want to track your ovulation, chart and rate your sexual activity, ask a medical expert for advice, or check out a forum about the latest and greatest contraceptives? There really is an app for that. These […]

FemTouch™ CO2 Laser

  What is FemTouch™ Laser Treatment? FemTouch™ is a minimally invasive, non-surgical, non-hormonal, outpatient rejuvenation procedure for women looking to improve their vaginal health. Using CO2 laser technology, this treatment is focused along the vaginal wall and delivers controlled ablation (vaporization) and coagulation (regeneration) to the layer of collagen responsible for elasticity of the vaginal […]

Hormones & Your Skin

close up shots of woman's face fragmented in hexagons chattanooga

How is it that hormones, produced mainly in your ovaries and adrenal glands, can have such an impact on one of life’s most sought-after attributes – healthy skin? Here’s a look at how the two are connected! By Katie Faulkner Three main types of hormones occur in women at different levels. The levels at which […]

Taking Charge of Your Health

When was the last time you saw your doctor? The guidelines below from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and more can help spot an issue before you even have symptoms. If you’ve been putting off seeing a health care provider, take action now. As the […]

Unlocking Code Red: 6 Common Questions About Your Period

Is There Something Wrong with My Period? There’s no such thing as a “perfect” period. We all feel puzzled by occasional irregularities. But does a subtle change mean something is off? By Camille Platt When it comes to ‘Aunt Flo,’ it’s hard to know what is normal. So we tackled six questions OB-GYNs often hear. […]

A Gentler Fertility Treatment

This milder form of IVF uses fewer drugs, making it less taxing on a woman’s body and more cost-effective for good candidates.  What is Minimal Stimulation IVF? Minimal Stimulation IVF, also known as Mini-IVF, is a fertility treatment gaining popularity. In Mini-IVF, a doctor will prescribe a woman the least amount of fertility medication possible […]

Improving Pregnancy Rates: Comprehensive Chromosome Screening

Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) is offering new hope to those struggling with infertility. What is Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)?  Comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) is used to detect chromosome number abnormalities in embryos (fertilized eggs). In reproductive medicine, the purpose of comprehensive chromosome screening is to increase the chance of transferring healthy embryos into the uterus. […]

Unwanted Hair

Why’s There Hair There? If a woman produces excessive amounts of male hormones known as androgens (the principal being testosterone) the result is often patches of prickly hair. If you’re plagued by stiff, pigmented prickles in places like the face, chest, and back, it’s possible you may have a common condition known as hirsutism. What’s […]

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