
Sleep Apnea

Jokes about snoring are common and classic, but if those window-rattling ZZZZs are caused by sleep apnea, then they are no laughing matter. Asleep Without

A Hard Pill to Swallow

With medical advances and an improving public understanding of health issues, more than ever patients are playing a larger role in their own health care.

Gifts of Life

For more than 2,000 people in Tennessee awaiting life-saving organ transplants, and thousands of others needing them to enhance quality of life, the clock is

Adult Anorexia

Alice, age 62, remembers that her battle with anorexia started soon after the birth of her first and only child. “I really don’t know life

Spring Fever

The first breath of spring brings green leaves, blossoms… and pollens. With the long-awaited outdoor beauty also comes allergies. Seasonal Allergy Solutions By Charlotte Boatwright,

Managing Juvenile Diabetes

Kristen Reynolds is a vibrant sixth-grader. An excellent student at Boyd-Buchanan School, Kristen enjoys volleyball and softball and she even holds a black belt in


Coronary heart disease, leading to heart attack and stroke, claims thousands of lives each year. The culprit, in many cases, is an overabundance of a

Female doctor giving encouragement to elderly patient by holding her hands

Palliative Care

Medical Advancements Meet Specialized Long-Term Care While modern medicine continues to develop more advanced treatments for serious illnesses, patients are surviving and living longer. However,

Spinal Cord Injuries

Injuries to the spinal cord can be debilitating, devastating and sometimes fatal. Those who survive such traumatic events are often faced with extended periods of

Fact or Fiction?

All of us are deeply interested in safeguarding our health, but is everything we hear about keeping our bodies healthy true? Take this brief quiz

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