

“I tried it all,” recounts Kathy Freeman, a registered nurse who tried and failed at using weight loss programs throughout her adult life. “As a

Prescription medication is strewn about, with pill bottles in the deep background.

A Prescription for Addiction

The Changing Face of Drug Abuse Drug abuse has changed venues – trading seedy back alleys for medicine cabinets in master baths. Sparing no demographic,

Life after Leukemia defines the disease as, “a malignant disease of the bone marrow and blood, characterized by the uncontrollable accumulation of blood cells.” Often mischaracterized as

On the Forefront of Fighting Stroke

Ranking only behind heart disease and cancer, stroke is the leading cause of death among Americans. Each year, approximately 750,000 people in this country suffer

Packing Up Back Pain

Today, many students carry backpacks so full of books, supplies and sports equipment that back pain is becoming more and more of a problem in

Happy mother holding her baby on hands outdoor in nature

Having a Baby Later in Life

What to Know About Pregnancies After 35 Opportunities for education, travel and career advancement are factors for young women today in deciding to postpone having

Coping With Stuttering

Stuttering, sometimes referred to as stammering, is a speech disorder that is characterized by disruptions in the flow of speech sounds, also called “disfluencies.” Approximately

Food Allergies

It’s one of the most anticipated milestones of baby’s first year: the introduction of solid food. How fun it is to watch a child delight

Allergens & Allergies

Understanding and Treating Allergies No barefoot walks in the yard? No romps with the new puppy? No peanut butter? No flowers?  “No” can seem to

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