Bath Time Benefits

bathroom sink tap faucet chattanooga

By Katie Faulkner The ancient practice of submersing our bodies in water has a multitude of studied and scientifically proven health benefits. With endless variations that can be tailored to your needs, from skin conditions to psychological benefits, the classic hot bath is a wonderful way to heal your mind and body. So go start […]

Am I Drinking Too Much?

How Much Is Too Much Drinking When life throws stress and problems our way, many of us enjoy the comfort of a glass of wine or a few beers. But no matter how normal or moderate we believe our drinking habits may be, the line between habit and dependency is easily blurred. Subtle signs of […]

Attention to Anxiety

spinning heads anxiety illustration chattanooga mental health

By Katie Faulkner Nearly everyone experiences anxiety in some form or another. But at what point do you need to be concerned about these feelings? Women are more at risk for developing an anxiety disorder, so it’s important to know when your stress is too severe. Here, psychiatrist Dr. Melisa Couey of Parkridge Medical Group […]

Recognizing & Remedying Prescription Drug Abuse

When most people hear the words “drug abuse,” they think of drugs like heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. However, a growing number of people are feeding their addictions from the medicine cabinet rather than the streets. An estimated 1 in 6 Americans over the age of 12 have used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons at least […]

Making Peace With Food

10 Things Mental Health Professionals Wish You Knew About Eating Disorders We live in a culture where “thin is in,” and for some of the pressure to transform is tragic. Just in time for national eating disorders awareness week (February 21-27), the following facts will help you navigate the extreme behaviors and emotions surrounding food […]

The Science of Stress

When faced with a stressful situation, the body does amazing things to rise to the occasion. But for many, fear, panic, and worry don’t fade away once the tense moment is over. For the 18% of Americans who report their stress levels are extreme, what began as a normal response has turned into a health […]

Easing Anxiety

You know the sensation. Sweaty palms, a beating heart, a racing mind… Anxiety is a terrible feeling. But once you’ve called this monster by its name, you’ve already begun to tame it. • • • Anxiety: A Good Thing Gone Wrong    Before you throw anxiety under the bus altogether, consider this: mental health professionals say […]

Getting Help for Depression

The Signs & When to Seek Help   In the 18th century, poet St. John of the Cross coined the phrase “dark night of the soul” to describe a 45-year spiritual crisis. Mental health professionals have since adopted it to describe clinical depression, a mood disorder severe enough to require clinical intervention.   By Rashad […]

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

Although Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging, the risk of developing the illness increases with advanced age. Learn the basics of the condition here.   A Brain with Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that occurs when abnormal deposits of protein form plaques in the brain, and twisted strands of protein, called […]

Stopping Bad Thoughts

If putting a stop to negativity is the key to living a more open, creative, and authentic life, it’s hard to imagine people not screaming “Sign me up!” But what does it take to recognize and block negativity? Or better yet, to turn it into positivity?   Listen.“We all have this ongoing conversation in our […]

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