Staying Safe & Fit

sweating female athlete

In The Summer Heat Summer is a wonderful time for exercise. Gym rats can switch gears for a few months and trade in their treadmills and elliptical trainers for sidewalks and hiking trails. They can hop off their stationary bike and hit the open road, enjoying the East Tennessee summer scenery that we all know […]

Row Your Way to Better Health

senior couple rowing

Rowing in Chattanooga has a rich history. First started in 1876, the city is now home to top rowing teams and rowing events in the country. Since 2005, Head of the Hooch, the second largest regatta in the U.S., has been held on the Tennessee River off the banks of our scenic city. Each year […]

Hit the Ground Running

woman tying her running shoes

Choosing The Right Shoes Runners have access to all types of high-tech gear. The choices are limitless including GPS enabled watches and cell-phone apps. The most important accessory, however, remains constant: shoes. Improper running shoes can wreak havoc on the body. A runner who buys the wrong kind of shoes off of the sale rack […]

Hiking for Health

Happy couple feel freedom and enjoy the beautiful autumn forest in the mountains and looking together on sunset

Enjoy the Outdoors and Health Benefits Simultaneously With summer in full swing, outdoor physical activities become even more appealing. One great choice is hiking, which is one of the simplest and most affordable forms of exercise. Essentially, hiking means taking a walk, and virtually anyone can enjoy hiking with a good pair of shoes and […]

Tips for New Runners

woman running

Expert Tips for New Runners Starting Out Getting into running for the first time? We asked local trainer Teresa Wade from the Sports Barn about her top tips for newbie runners. Start slow. When people are just getting started, they often go at it without any breaks. They want to run all the time. But running is […]


pilates class rolling up their mats

Strengthen Your Core-Balance Your Body Pilates is on the rise in the United States, growing from 1.7 million practitioners in 2000 to well over 10 million today. This exponential growth is due to the practical nature of Pilates, the far-reaching benefits and the universal appeal. Pilates was founded by gymnast Joseph Pilates in Germany in […]

Walk Your Way to Fitness

So you’ve made up your mind that 2010 is the year you’re going to improve your health, shed those extra pounds and get in shape. Great idea, unfortunately, sometimes it can be difficult to incorporate exercise into an over-scheduled life. Also, over-doing it in the beginning can lead to injury and burnout. The answer is […]

4 Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk

woman stretching at work desk

Doing simple exercises at work can keep you more alert and relaxed. Just don’t plan on replacing the traditional form of exercising that you do throughout the week. Here are four desk exercises to punch up your workday: Shoulder Shrugs: Simply bring your shoulders up and down. Repeat this five times. Add small circles. Circle […]

Hot Yoga

woman stretching her back by holding her feet while bending backwards

What’s Behind the Hot Yoga Craze Yoga is a great way to center the mind, sculpt the body and burn some calories, but what happens when you add a 100 degree room into this workout mix? Bikram Yoga, that’s what. What is it? Bikram Yoga, commonly referred to as “hot yoga,” was created by Bikram […]

Shall We Dance?

elderly couple dancing

The Health Benefits of Dancing Abound Perhaps Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were onto something. Each enjoyed full and active lives and lived into their 80s. Their secret? Besides good genes, dance may have played a major role in their longevity. A study by the Lancisi Heart Institute in Italy found that those who danced three […]

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