My Story: Beth Heath

My Story: Beth Heath

A new recurring section, My Story features exceptional women in our area and their inspiring stories of health, wellness, and personal growth. Here, Beth Heath details her fitness and weight loss journey.
By Candice Graham

When Beth Heath was diagnosed with diabetes, she knew it was time to take control of her health in a big way. “You get the diagnosis and it’s very overwhelming,” Beth says. First, a major diet overhaul was in store, which she managed through a diabetic nutrition class in conjunction with a local hospital. A high protein, high fiber, and low carb diet was what the doctor ordered.

“It was extremely hard at first. But I took it step by step,” Beth recalls. Focusing first on her blood sugar and working in increments, Beth started with cutting out carbohydrates. As she progressed, she assessed her health and decided what aspect to tackle after that. Next was controlling fiber and protein intake. “I would take one component of nutrition at a time, instead of getting so overwhelmed with everything that I would fail,” she explains.

Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 4.07.47 PMAfter losing 30 pounds through healthy eating, Beth knew it was time to incorporate fitness into her regimen. That’s when she found Forte Fitness through online research. “I felt like I needed one-on-one training. I’d never really worked out a day in my life, so it was a huge step,” Beth says. The private, individual training offered by Forte felt like a good fit for Beth, who knew she wouldn’t be comfortable in a large group setting. “They created workouts that were appropriate for me. Everything was very individualized.”

Working with a personal trainer three times a week, and on her own twice a week, Beth quickly noticed results. “I saw a little improvement with each training session. Especially when you’re just starting out, the smallest change can gain huge results. That gives you a lot of encouragement,” says Beth. Starting with the basics and building a solid foundation, Beth is now able to dead lift, bench press, and even dabble in CrossFit exercises on her own when she’s not working out with her personal trainer at Forte.

Today, not only has Beth lost more than 100 pounds, but she’s also no longer diabetic. Her advice for anyone hoping to follow a similar health journey is simple: just begin. “Anything new and active that you do today is going to benefit you, regardless of what it is,” says Beth. “If it’s more than you did yesterday, it’s progress.”


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