Women Celebrating Women

Caroline never lets fear, discomfort, or uncertainty keep her from living her best life.”
Sarah Anne Perry
Sarah Anne Perry, Inspired by Caroline Vason
I met Caroline 10 years ago when we were college kids in Athens, Georgia. We became fast friends —and since then, we’ve become family.
In a way, we’ve grown up together, and our friendship has been a defining factor in who we’ve each become. Throughout the years of shared experiences, change, and growth, I’ve always been inspired by Caroline’s curiosity, kindness, and commitment to self-betterment.
When Caroline has a question, she finds the answer. When she wants to develop a skill, she makes a plan. When she learns something new, she integrates it into her worldview. And when she makes a promise to herself, she follows through.
In her interactions with others, Caroline practices empathy, patience, and compassion. She communicates respectfully and tries hard to understand perspectives that differ from her own. She isn’t afraid to examine her own beliefs and behaviors, either — altering them as needed to live in greater alignment with her values.
Caroline never lets fear, discomfort, or uncertainty keep her from living her best life. In fact, she seeks out experiences that will challenge her, seizing every opportunity for growth. She tries her best in everything — and each day, her best gets a little better.