Inspired: Mary LeDoux & Maria DiCarlo

Women Celebrating Women

The word inspire is defined as the act of filling someone with the urge or ability to do something, and here in Chattanooga, we have no shortage of incredible women who motivate those around them day in and day out.

Whether they intentionally set out to be a role model or random acts of kindness are simply in their DNA, these women are making the world a better place. Read on to learn more about the individuals who encourage others to be the best version of themselves, told by those they inspired most. 

[Maria] is always going above and beyond...but she makes it all look effortless.”

Mary LeDoux, Inspired by Maria DiCarlo

I first met Maria in elementary school, and I have been in awe of her ever since. She is unapologetically herself. She is strong, brave, and unafraid to speak her truth. Growing up together, Maria always pushed me and all of our friends to be our best selves, and she continues to do so over 20 years later. 

Anyone can see that Maria gives 110% of herself to everything she does. From working as a pharmacist, to teaching exercise classes, to being a fabulous mother to her two kids, she is always going above and beyond. She is always on the go, but she makes it all look effortless. One would think that all of these commitments would affect her social life, but she is consistently offering to babysit or making meals for friends who have just had a baby. She loves her people so well. She is a constant source of wisdom and stability to so many, and I am so inspired by her unflappable nature. Everyone deserves a friend like Maria.

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