Inspired: Addie Bramlett & Leah Crum

Addie Bramlett inspired by Leah Crum


When I was asked to choose a woman who has inspired me to be who I am today, you were the clear choice. You have been here for me during my best, worst, and most unpredictable times. This is not only a letter of inspiration, but also one of gratitude. Thank you for the amazing things you have done for our family and continue to do for mine. Without you, I would not have grown into the person I am today. I have come so far personally and professionally. None of this would have been possible without you (and dad) being my biggest fans. You have instilled in me the importance of trying to trust God even when I doubt. Since I was a child, you stressed the importance of standing up for what is right and being kind while I do it. You taught me how important it is to be independent while at the same time asking for help when necessary. (I am definitely still working on that last part.) Thank you for instilling so many qualities in me, and now in my girls. I had an amazing childhood, all thanks to you and dad. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. You are a good mom.

- Addie

bramlett and crum

Addie (Left) and Leah (Right)

You taught me how important it is to be independent while at the same time asking for help when necessary.”

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