Her Story: Brittany Faith

Motivating Stories from Local Women

Every woman has a story to tell, and no two stories are alike. Meet the women who have persevered through challenges and tribulations and come out the other side stronger than ever. 

These unique individuals have seen their fair share of adversity but continue to inspire those around them with the lessons they have learned and their love of life. Read on for four truly motivating stories by the women who experienced them firsthand.

While not every infertility story has a happy ending, I know now that every woman going through it is a warrior, and I hope she finds the love and support that I did in my journey.

The picture you see here is something I dreamed of for years. In 2018, my husband and I had a healthy, bouncing baby boy. We were both only children. I particularly was a very lonely only child, so we wanted a second child to make our family complete. We started trying after our son turned 1 year old. Month after month went by and nothing. 

After a year of trying, we got the referral to go to a fertility specialist, but shortly after found out that we were pregnant. It was the miracle we had been waiting for. I was able to tell my beloved grandmother, who at the time was dying of pancreatic cancer, which meant the world to me. However, eight days after she passed, I began losing the baby. 

About a month later, we found out from our fertility doctor that I have what is called diminished ovarian reserve, which means that even though I was only 32, I had the egg quantity of a 42-year-old. While in Hollywood, they make it seem easy, low egg quantity is something you can’t reverse. I plunged myself into the infertility world. I changed my diet, our cleaning products, and what we had in our house. We tried cycle after cycle. 

Then one night after over two years of trying, I felt funny and decided to take a test. It was positive – the first positive I had seen since our loss. I went to my husband shaking and told him in disbelief that I thought I was actually pregnant. I cried then, and I cried like that a few weeks ago when I held that beautiful baby girl who looks just like her great-grandmother and realized our dreams had really come true. 

Baby girl Faith was born just two days after this picture. While not every infertility story has a happy ending, I know now that every woman going through it is a warrior, and I hope she finds the love and support that I did in my journey.

Brittany Faith, Signal Mountain

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