Healthy Living

mother folding clothes with her child

Spring Green Cleaning

For many families the spring cleaning tradition has been around for generations and nothing has changed. They break out the cleaning products, immerse themselves in

Travel Tips for Seniors

10 Ways To Safe, Enjoyable Trips Today’s seniors are on the move, traveling more than ever before. From a weekend in the mountains to a

Senior Care

Navigating Your Choices Making the decision to move from home to a senior care facility can be emotionally and physically challenging, whether one is making

Weekend Warriors Beware

Prepare For Spring Activities Warm weather and sunshine are sure to bring guys outside to play – and to work a little as well. With

Spring Smarts

Safety and Wellness Tips for the Season As the weather warms up, parents and children seek the enjoyment of long-awaited outdoor activities. With the newfound


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions The word “radiation” may conjure up images of the recent Fukushima meltdown, but actually, radiation is all around us. A

On Guard Against Ticks

Troublesome ticks annoy people and pets alike, and this season is already developing as one of the most problematic in years as the tiny bloodsuckers

The Personal Touch

Of Palliative Care & Hospice Care Chronic pain is nothing new to many Americans suffering from illnesses. According to the Institute of Medicine, “chronic pain

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