Barby Wilson

Meet Our Model

For Barby Wilson, community involvement has always been a cornerstone of life. Wilson spent much of her formative years serving on boards and fulfilling esteemed volunteer positions, but these days life looks a little different. Ever the advocate for maintaining a strong body and mind, Wilson, who is in her 70s, is using this decade of her life to slow down and look inward. Simplifying her routine, being fully present in the moment, and learning to nurture new and existing skills are among her top priorities, and it’s those very actions that will lead her into the next decade with an infectious zest for life. 


Photo by Lanewood Studio

Barby Wilson, HealthScope Winter 2021 Cover Model

HS: What do health and wellness mean to you in this decade of your life?

BW: Life is fragile, so if you do not have your physical and mental health, your days can be challenging at best, making it harder to enjoy your journey. There are things we have little control over, but we can keep our sources of health and energy a priority as we age. Good health and wellness are blessings beyond measure because they are the foundation for living life to its fullest. It is my goal to live to be 105, so we’ll see how that works out!


HS: What are your favorite ways to practice self-care?

BW: I try to be consistent about self-care by nourishing my mind and spirit through daily Bible study, carefully chosen projects, and knowing when to say no. I am equally resolute about maintaining my physical well-being. Whether it is a monthly therapeutic massage, manicures and pedicures, facials, routine workouts at the gym, or working in the yard, I try to never slack off or be content with the status quo.


HS: What have you enjoyed most about this decade? The least? What has surprised you the most?

BW: What I am enjoying the most is downsizing and simplifying my life. It has been incredibly freeing to realize you do not need all the “stuff” you thought you did to be happy. I can attest that less is more! What I have enjoyed the least are the issues brought on by the pandemic and watching people struggle to different degrees with the limitations and uncertainties of life. On the other hand, what has surprised me the most is that I have not let COVID make me afraid nor limit my life. I made a conscious decision early on to go about my life (but not carelessly or without regard for others) as normally as possible and that has worked out well for me.


HS: What have been your goals for this decade, and how have you worked toward them?

BW: I began this decade by doing something I wanted to do for decades. This fall, I completed the coursework and volunteer hours to become a Certified Master Gardener. I do not know what’s next, but I do know my overarching goal is to not let the hectic pace of life dictate how I live each day. I try to stick to the fundamentals, do the little things right, and focus on what I can control. That may mean I do not get everything checked off my to-do list each day, but it also may mean that I don’t miss the special moments of life because I am too busy to experience them.

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