Balanced: Shawanna Kendrick

Counter the Impact of Life’s Many Demands With Intentional, Restorative Practices

A life of balance looks different for everyone. For some, completing a hard workout and eating a nourishing meal may be soothing and restorative.

For others, updating a personal budget and meeting up with friends for a night of enriching conversation might be just what the doctor ordered. In this series, we celebrate the many ways through which we can come to centeredness by spotlighting women who are intentional about cultivating joy and balance through their own unique practices.


Whether it’s walking, hiking, biking, or kayaking, it is imperative I spend time outdoors. I legitimately cannot remain focused, find the necessary balance I require, or just be myself without spending time outdoors. It gives me a sense of peace, and it’s also an opportunity to disconnect from the ills of life while reconnecting with nature. 


Water is the one thing we likely take for granted – I know I do anyway. Each morning, I’ve made it a point to drink at least one glass of water. Not only does it improve brain health, but it also helps reduce stress and balance my overall mood. If I’m not drinking it, you may just find me sitting next to a body of water enjoying the calm and stillness it brings. 

The Word

Psalm 119:105 reads, ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.’ I can walk all the miles, drink all the water, and do all the things, but what I cannot do is remain balanced and find true peace or guidance without the Word of God, aka the Bible. I know it’s not for everyone, and that’s okay. I can only share what works for me. God’s Word works for me.

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