Balanced: Demetrus Coonrad

Counter the Impact of Life’s Many Demands With Intentional, Restorative Practices

A life of balance looks different for everyone. For some, completing a hard workout and eating a nourishing meal may be soothing and restorative.

For others, updating a personal budget and meeting up with friends for a night of enriching conversation might be just what the doctor ordered. In this series, we celebrate the many ways through which we can come to centeredness by spotlighting women who are intentional about cultivating joy and balance through their own unique practices.

Make the Most of Mornings

I start my morning with quiet meditation, and then I go to the gym. Getting in a good run helps to give an added spark to my morning and sets the tone for my day. I always have more energy and focus on the days that I work out. My body can definitely feel it on the days that I don’t. While it can be hard to get out of bed a little earlier for exercise, it’s worth it to set aside this time for my overall health and well-being. 

Say No

Sometimes the pursuit of a happy and balanced life means being a little ruthless. It’s important to say no to things that are not essential or do not add value to your life. Saying no from time to time has allowed me to spend more time enjoying the small things in life such as time with my family, reading a great novel, or serving others – activities that are often taken for granted but are crucial for maintaining balance in our lives. 

Take Time to Reflect

I love to journal. I put my reflective thoughts in a journal throughout my day. Then, when I go to bed, I read over it to see how I can improve my day the next day. The key is to not change everything at once, but to make small adjustments over time to determine what works for you. Eventually, you will have a new set of positive life habits, and you’ll never look back!

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