Comprehensive Hand Care

Annual Aging Well Section

State-of-the-art orthopedic care can help ease pain and improve hand function for aging adults.

Understanding Hand Health

We use our hands and fingers every day for countless activities, from writing and picking up items to eating and driving a car. Properly functioning joints and muscles are key to performing these tasks; however, injuries and age-related conditions can affect hand function. When lack of movement, pain, or weakness in the hands occurs, it can make even simple activities difficult or impossible and affect one’s quality of life.

Common Conditions

Hand concerns are often the result of pinched nerves, strained tendons, or inflammation. Symptoms can be acute or chronic and include:

  • Joint pain in the hand, wrist, or fingers
  • Tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain in the hand or thumb
  • Difficulty holding objects or opening and closing the hand
  • Increased pain from repetitive motions
elderly woman's hands

Aging hands are especially prone to arthritis. In fact, half of all women and one-quarter of all men will experience osteoarthritis of the hands by the time they are 85. Other common conditions include carpal tunnel, trigger finger, and tendonitis.

Treatment and Outlook

Orthopedic hand specialists can address these concerns and provide relief with a wide range of treatments. Non-surgical approaches can help restore movement and reduce pain. These include medication, steroid injections, the use of a splint or wrist brace, and physical therapy. If non-surgical methods prove ineffective, hand surgery may be recommended.

When hand pain or weakness begins interfering with your daily activities, it’s time to seek help. A hand specialist can determine its cause and develop a personalized treatment plan to put you back on the path toward normal, pain-free hand function.

An Expert Weighs In

“Hand pain can originate from the joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, or nerves, each having potential problems that can cause dysfunction of the hands. We typically recommend conservative measures, then consider surgery. The bottom line is that our hands are one of the most unique and complex structures of the human body that we use to interact with our environment almost every minute of the day. We usually take them for granted until something goes wrong. Seeking care from a hand surgery specialist ensures you have access to the necessary expertise and most effective treatment options that help lessen pain, reduce symptoms, and restore optimal hand function.”

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