While it can often be overlooked during exercise, a comprehensive shoulder workout is an important part of every workout routine. Shoulder muscles are an important part of the human body, and these muscles help protect, stabilize, and rotate your shoulder joint.
By consistently performing shoulder workouts, you can strengthen your shoulders and encourage mobility while preventing injury. Here, we’ll look at seven different shoulder exercises that target different areas of the shoulder muscles.
Back Deltoid Exercises
If you’re looking to specifically target your back, or posterior, deltoids during a shoulder workout, try out these three exercises to strengthen your shoulder muscles.
Rear Deltoid Machine
This shoulder workout uses the rear deltoid machine, which can be found at most local gyms. According to Healthline, here’s how to safely use this machine:
Sit at the machine with your chest facing the padded seat. Grab the machine’s handles (either with your palms down or with your palms facing each other). Slowly, press your arms back while keeping your elbows slightly bent. As you press back, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for at least two seconds, and then slowly return to your original position.
Healthline recommends performing this shoulder workout for 10-12 reps per set.

Band Pull Aparts
This rear deltoid exercise can be done with just a resistance band. According to Men’s Health, use your resistance band in this way:
While standing with your knees shoulder-width apart, hold the resistance band in front of your body, slightly lower than chest height. Keep your arms straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the band apart until it touches your chest. Pause, slowly return to your starting position, and repeat.
Barbell Row
Another shoulder workout that will target your rear deltoids, among many other muscles, is the barbell row. Here’s how GymShark recommends performing this exercise:
To set up: Using a barbell, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and with the middle of your feet under the bar. Squat and place your hand on the bar in an overhand grip. (Your hands should be a thumb-width outside of your legs.) Keep your back flat, and lift the bar as you stand.
To do a barbell row: Stand up straight with your chest engaged.

Hinge at the hips, with your butt pushed back and your knees slightly bent. Slowly move the bar down until it reaches your kneecaps. Your chest should be at a 60 degree angle to the ground. Then, pull the barbell up towards your belly button. Make sure to drive your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pause, return to the starting position, and repeat.
Lateral Deltoid Exercises
The lateral deltoid muscle is the middle part of the deltoid muscle. This is what allows your arms to move out to the side and up and down. To work out this muscle, try the two exercises below.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
To effectively target your lateral deltoids, try out a dumbbell lateral raise. According to Gold’s Gym, here’s how to perform this shoulder workout:
While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand, with the palms of your hand facing each other. Keep your elbows and your knees slightly bent during this move. Slowly raise your arms out from your sides until you reach around shoulder level. Then, slowly return your arms to the original position.
According to Gold’s, try to perform four sets of 12 reps. Make sure to rest for at least 60 seconds between each set.

Resistance Band Lateral Raise
The lateral raise can also be done with a resistance band. Here’s how Women’s Health recommends to perform this accommodation:
With knees slightly bent, stand with your right foot forward and flat on the floor and your left foot back with the heel lifted. Place your resistance band under the arch of your right foot, and grab each end of the band. Your arms should start at your sides. Raise your arms out until they are parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your arms and return to the starting position.
Women’s Health recommends three to four sets of 12 reps for this shoulder workout.
General Shoulder Exercises
If you’re not looking to target a specific muscle group, try these two exercises that target many of the different shoulder muscles.
Shoulder Dumbbell Press
The shoulder dumbbell press helps exercise the anterior deltoids as well as a variety of other muscles. For this version of the exercise, you’ll perform it seated. Muscle & Strength recommends performing the press like this:
Use a bench that has you seated at a 90 degree angle. Pick up a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing in. Place your dumbbells on your knees as you sit. Slowly, raise each dumbbell to ear height and rotate your hands so that your palms face out. Press the dumbbells upward by extending your elbows until your arms are almost fully extended. Lower your arms back to their starting position, about a 90 degree angle, and repeat.
Halos also target a variety of shoulder muscles, like the deltoid, trapezius, and rhomboid muscles. This exercise can be performed in a standing or kneeling position. Here’s how Women’s Health recommends performing this shoulder workout:
Kneel on the floor with your knees slightly wider out than your hips. Hold your dumbbell, with a hand on each side, in front of your chest with your elbows down at your sides. With arms bent, slowly circle the dumbbell around your head and back in front of your chest, which completes one rep.
Women’s Health recommends three to four sets of 10 reps for this shoulder workout.
Shoulder Workout Equipment
Fitness Resistance Bands: If you’re looking to incorporate resistance bands into your fitness routine, check out this pack of three bands. With three different resistance options, including 20, 30, and 40 pounds, this pack has a band for every stage of the fitness journey.
Retrospec Steel Macebell: Macebells are a great option for many different shoulder workouts. This macebell by Retrospec is built with durable steel, a knurled grip, and comes in seven different sizes, from five to 30 pounds.
Door Anchor Attachment: For at-home fitness enthusiasts, this heavy-duty door anchor attachment can help bring the gym to you. With a shoulder pulley to improve range of motion and a door anchor to hold resistance bands, any door can be turned into a gym.
Cushioned Weightlifting Vest: For our weightlifting friends, this cushioned vest provides comfort and protection to your shoulders and collarbone while weightlifting. This vest boasts hassle-free wear and a thick padded area, made with Polyester and Scuba.