Night Running Safety

Ways to Stay Safe When Running at Night

As the fall months roll around and days get shorter, your after-work run scenery may go quickly from sherbet-colored sunset to pitch black dark. There’s no need to stay inside all fall and winter long, but there are some safety tips you should know if you’ll be hitting the pavement after the sun goes down.

woman jogging in the city at night

Tell a friend. This way, if you’re gone too long someone will know.

Carry your ID. Also, keep your cell phone handy with emergency contacts.

Stay visible. Do what’s necessary to show up in the dark, like wearing reflective clothes.

Face traffic. Cars can see you better when you face them, and you’ll be able to react better, too.

Turn down tunes. If music is too loud, you can’t hear approaching cars.

Be alert. Be especially watchful during odd hours or in places such as bars and parking lot entrances.

Source: Runner’s World

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