
a young family enjoying spending time together

Six Rules to Raise Your Children By

It seems like now, more than ever before, parents are questioning how to raise their children. They are asking questions like: How do you teach

graphic illustration of strained couple

Dating Violence

The National Center for Victims of Crime defines dating violence as “controlling, abusive and aggressive behavior in a romantic relationship.” It can include verbal, emotional,

Keys to Keeping Your Kids Healthy

As adults, we have the power to control many aspects of our own health. We choose our diet, set our own exercise routines, and make

Healthy Milestones

Parenting has always been a bit of a mystery. No two children are the same. Even if you’ve raised one or two already, you can

couple with mother-in-law

Holidays, In-Laws, & Boundaries

Holiday Expectations and Limiting Family Conflicts Our first experience negotiating the holidays with family hit us squarely between the eyes a month after we were

Time to Walk Away?

5 Signs of a Toxic Relationship A toxic relationship, marked by abuse (physical or mental), extreme guilt, or unequal relationship control, can be present in

Teen Sexting

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and iChat: When it comes to technology, it’s hard to keep up with the younger, totally tech-savvy generation. While some parents are

Make Bedtime Easier

1. Turn off all electronics. That means the TV, computer, video games—anything that could be overly stimulating. Shut everything off at least 1 hour before

older couple lying in bed together

Stoking the Fire of Passion

Do you remember the first time you laid eyes on your spouse? Did your heart skip a beat? Throughout the time you dated and right

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