Letting Success Shine

woman looking to the side

Why It’s So Hard When friends compliment a new haircut or recent promotion, women sometimes find it easier to deflect praise rather than accept the kind words. Ever wondered why? Dr. Katherine Rogers, assistant professor at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga College of Psychology, points to a few reasons – and offers some great advice […]

Why You Can’t Say No

busy business woman multitasking

And How to Make it Happen As women, we often find ourselves saying yes as a snap reaction. “Yes, I’ll take on that project,” or “Yes, I’ll help you move.” But do we really want to? Here, Kellie Currin, MAMFT at Henegar/CBI Counseling Center, shares some of the common reasons women fail at saying no […]

How to Feel Beautiful From Within

smiling woman

Easy Steps to Being Your Best Self We all know beauty is about more than what’s on the outside. It’s just as important to feel beautiful as it is to look the part. With these easy steps, you can. Perfect your posture.Not only does keeping your shoulders straight make you look taller, leaner, and more […]

The Benefits of Brain Training

graphic illustration of brain with colorful icons within

Learn Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharper than Ever Did you know that in the last two decades, scientists have discovered that the brain can create new neurons and build neuropathways? Known as neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and modify neuron activity is something that researchers have only recently started to understand. But it […]

Zen Your Workout: 4 Meditation Techniques

Whether it’s before, during, or after exercise, meditation can help you get in the zone. Working out your mind can be just as important as working out your body. Whether it’s less stress or more energy that you’re hoping to achieve, meditation promises benefits ranging from inner peace to a boost in positive emotions. Local Hot […]

Nix the Negativity for Good!

illustration of woman growing a positive mindset

Block Toxic Thought Patterns, and Open New Doors Into Life Negative thoughts can be pervasive. Recognizing them, and learning how to turn them off, ca be a game changer, especially if you’re a person prone to pessimism. But how is that done? According to Julie Brown, LPC, MHSP at the Center for Mindful Living, the […]

The Art of Mindfulness

Young woman practicing downward facing dog pose playing with her pet in the living room

How to Stay Calm & Sane in a Fast-Paced World We live in stressful times. The modern world is a fast-paced maelstrom of competing responsibilities, relationships, and to-do lists. With so many things pulling us in so many directions, it’s easy to become anxious and disconnected. Where can we find relief? Enter: The Practice of […]

Resolving Anger

Angry woman

7 Steps to Help Resolve Anger Do you have difficulty controlling your temper? Do you express anger in unhealthy ways that could harm yourself and/or others? Do you live with someone who has difficulty controlling their anger? Have you ever been so angry that you wanted to knock somebody’s block off? Most of us have […]

Qigong for Good Health


Controlled Breathing & Movement Stress is a powerful emotion. It can take over our minds and wreak havoc on our bodies. There are many over-the-counter and prescription medications that are used to manage stress. But what if there was a simpler solution – an ancient one? Qigong, an ancient Chinese exercise, offers just that: a […]

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