How to Stop Working So Much

Mother working from home with her son sitting on the desk

All Work & No Play Americans are working more hours than ever. In fact, studies have shown that the United States is the most overworked developed nation in the world. Putting in over-time has become the rule rather than the exception, and now, due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have found themselves […]

Seasonal Self-Care Tips

Christmas greenery and ornaments on a black background

Local Ladies Share Their Self-Care Strategies for the Holiday Season Between the Christmas shopping, travel planning, house decorating, and holiday meal preparation – not to mention taking care of loved ones – our to-do lists seem never-ending come November. What is sometimes missing from that to-do list is making time for self-care, although it should […]

Managing Workplace Stress

illustration of stressed busy woman at work

How to Cope with a Less-Than-Ideal Work Environment If long hours at the office or a heavy workload have you feeling a bit frazzled, you’re not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, 65% of American employees cite work as a major source of stress – and more than a third report chronic work stress. […]

The Importance of Alone Time

donna "elle" harrison of chattanooga shares her thoughts on the importance of alone time

Taking Time for Yourself Life is busy. It’s no secret that taking a few minutes for yourself each day can feel like an impossible feat. However, it’s worth it! The benefits of a little “me-time” are many. From increased empathy and creativity, to building mental strength that staves off depression, alone time can really help […]

Mindful Work Practices

Creating a Healthier Work Environment What’s the secret to better productivity, less stress, and a healthier work environment? While there’s no cure-all for your workplace woes, a practice exists that offers many health-related benefits – in fact, it’s been around for centuries. And in our hurried, hectic jobs, it may be just the ticket to […]

Nighttime Unwind

Book and glasses lying on a bed under sheet in Chattanooga

5 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep One of the best ways to ensure a better tomorrow is figuring out how to harness a healthy night’s rest. If you’re finding sleep elusive these days, try out these five tips for a nighttime unwind routine. 1. Prepare for Tomorrow Take a few minutes at the end […]

Navigating Healthy Workplace Relationships

older woman talking on phone at her desk at work in chattanooga

For most of us, we spend more waking hours at the office than anywhere else. And our workplace environments, specifically our day-to-day interactions with co-workers, have a profound impact on our attitude, performance, and overall well-being. According to Casey Caldwell, a clinical mental health counselor at Henegar Counseling Center, “A healthy and happy workplace is synonymous […]


flawesome woman backlit with fist in air

The Beauty of Embracing Originality We’re all guilty of it. Everyone has at least one thing about themselves that they would like to change. It’s a well known but rarely talked about phenomenon that equalizes us as humans. But as the old adage queries, “How boring would this world be if we all looked alike?” […]

Maneuvering with Mindfulness

woman doing yoga chattanooga mindfulness

The Most Natural Way to Improve Your Life It’s Monday morning. You hit the snooze button three times because you stayed up late binge watching the new season of your favorite show on Netflix. By the time you’re dressed and out the door, you’re already running late. You start the day without breakfast and fight […]


teen girl with blue nails texting on smartphone iphone chattanooga

How to Combat Smartphone Addiction Dr. Ken Pittman of Agape Youth Behavioral Health shares his professional insight on both the warning signs of smartphone addiction and the benefits of knowing when to take a break. The habitual use of smartphones is taking up an ever-increasing portion of the average person’s day, and many don’t even […]

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