
madyson smith and kim shumpert

Inspired: Madyson Smith & Kim Shumpert

Madyson Smith inspired by Kim Shumpert Kim, Meeting someone that offers honesty, shows loyalty and genuineness, and provides laughter along the way is a hard

numbers to know summer 2023 | children watching tv

Numbers to Know: Summer 2023

10-15 Minutes The amount of time you should spend in the sun daily to receive its health benefits, including a boosted mood and increased vitamin

woman wearing a gardening apron with a pocket holding a plant

Gadgets for the Gardening Lover

If you’re looking to level up your health and wellness, why not give gardening a try? Gardening is not only physically beneficial with all of

Stacy Johnson

Meet Our Model: Stacy Johnson

For Stacy Johnson, executive director at La Paz Chattanooga, health and wellness have been an evolution. A member of an active family, Johnson is using

health in a minute summer 2023 | Illustration of woman sitting expressing her low energy

Health in a Minute: Summer 2023

Q. I recently switched to a different type of OTC allergy medication. It works better for my symptoms, but I’m not loving the drowsiness that

Illustration of piggy bank with glasses, calender, and woman holding large pencil

Banning the Budgeting Blues

Setting Yourself Up for Financial Success Budgeting can sometimes feel like a massive chore, but it’s an important tool to help you plan for the

monica bishop

Her Story: Monica Bishop

Monica Bishop Talks Overcoming Pain & Choosing Happiness The 8-out-of-10 shoulder pain came out of nowhere. I hadn’t hurt myself; my shoulder just started hurting.

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