
Guin Family

Her Story: Lauren Guin

Lauren Guin on Shifting Perspectives My 20s were filled with amazing accomplishments and wonderful memories accompanied by complete heartbreak and an abundant amount of grief.

leah hutcherson & beth thomas

Inspired: Leah Hutcherson & Beth Thomas

Leah Hutcherson inspired by Beth Thomas Beth, Since you came into my life over a decade ago, I’ve seen you handle difficulties with incredible grace

health in a minute | illustration of colorful dialogue bubbles, lips, and a quotation mark

Health in a Minute: Late Summer 2023

Q. My father is in his late 60s and has been experiencing aphasia after a stroke. He is currently participating in speech therapy, but… is

small cast iron pan with toasted food in it on top of wooden table

Caring for Cast Iron

Cast iron skillets are sturdy cookware that can last a lifetime with proper upkeep. However, concerns about its complicated care process often keep people from

illustration of a female woman talking to her male co-worker

Diffusing Workplace Drama

Handling Disagreements the Healthy Way Disagreements in our lives are inevitable, but they can be especially uncomfortable at work. It’s crucial to resolve an issue

illustration of four windows with each one having different curtains and blinds

Tips for Shopping for Window Treatments

Curtains, Shades, and Blinds. Oh My! From selecting shades to budgeting for blinds, the world of window treatments can be a daunting place. Window treatments

illustration of irritated wife listening to her husband's loud snoring

Numbers to Know: Late Summer 2023

Stop Snoring! If you spend most of the night listening to your partner snore, you’re not alone. Approximately 44% of men and 28% of women

shewanee howard-baptiste

Meet Our Model: Shewanee Howard-Baptiste

For Shewanee Howard-Baptiste, health and wellness have long been a part of her journey on earth. With degrees in exercise science and coaching, Howard-Baptiste is

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