Home Care

Leather shoes and purse on an orange background

Leather Care Basics

The Ultimate Guide To Helping Your Leather Last a Lifetime The benefits of quality leather can’t be overstated – it’s durable, environmentally friendly, and stands

inset fireplace on white brick wall

Do’s & Don’ts of Fire Safety

Follow these clear-cut dos and don’ts to stay safe all year long! The guidelines for how to manage your risk of becoming a victim of

woman sleeping

Mattress Maintenance 101

Prioritize Your Mattress to Prioritize Your Sleep Sleep health is a crucial part of your overall health equation, which is why keeping your sleep environment

couple hanging a light fixture in their home they're remodelling without stress

Reducing Remodel Stress

6 Tips to Make the Remodel Process Easier Whether you’re simply painting the living room or expanding the entire master suite, remodeling can be a

woman holding curtains open with sunlight streaming in looking out window in her home chattanooga natural light

Let the Light In

6 Tips to Brighten Your Home With spring upon us, many people’s thoughts turn to spring cleaning. But that desire for cleanliness stems from a need

Avoiding Winter Home Hazards

Staying Safe At Home in the Winter With each season, homeowners encounter a myriad of important maintenance routines. This seasonal safeguarding helps to prevent injury

Energy Efficient Light Bulb in Chattanooga

Energy-Efficient Homes

11 Tips to Have a More Energy-Efficient House If you’re interested in improving your home’s wealth, consider the importance of energy efficiency. While this can

Arm opening window to let in air from outside in Chattanooga

A Breath of Fresh Air

4 Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Air pollution is just an outdoor problem, right? Turns out, indoor air can be even more polluted

house painting tools


The Psychology of Colors From painting a room to choosing impactful accents, understanding the effects of color can go a long way toward helping you

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