Do’s & Don’ts of Fire Safety

inset fireplace on white brick wall

Follow these clear-cut dos and don’ts to stay safe all year long! The guidelines for how to manage your risk of becoming a victim of a residential fire aren’t just a bunch of smoke! While staying safe all year long is a priority, the fall and winter months present an increased risk of structural fires. […]

Mattress Maintenance 101

woman sleeping

Prioritize Your Mattress to Prioritize Your Sleep Sleep health is a crucial part of your overall health equation, which is why keeping your sleep environment in a functional and clean order should be a top priority. Read on to discover specifics about making the most of your mattress. Take It for a Spin It is […]

Reducing Remodel Stress

couple hanging a light fixture in their home they're remodelling without stress

6 Tips to Make the Remodel Process Easier Whether you’re simply painting the living room or expanding the entire master suite, remodeling can be a very stressful time. It’s important to put a plan into action if you want to keep your stress to a minimum and help the project run more smoothly. Check out […]

Let the Light In

woman holding curtains open with sunlight streaming in looking out window in her home chattanooga natural light

6 Tips to Brighten Your Home With spring upon us, many people’s thoughts turn to spring cleaning. But that desire for cleanliness stems from a need to refresh following a darker, dormant season. One of the most appealing ways to refresh your home and promote happiness is figuring out how to brighten up your living spaces. […]

Avoiding Winter Home Hazards

Staying Safe At Home in the Winter With each season, homeowners encounter a myriad of important maintenance routines. This seasonal safeguarding helps to prevent injury and damage to homes. Winter is a particularly threatening time of year for homes, as household hazards are much more prevalent. Read on to find out what some of the […]

Energy-Efficient Homes

Energy Efficient Light Bulb in Chattanooga

11 Tips to Have a More Energy-Efficient House If you’re interested in improving your home’s wealth, consider the importance of energy efficiency. While this can be a very complex subject that warrants research, here are a few topics worth looking into for your energy-friendly home. Establish energy-friendly home habits. Your daily practices greatly influence your […]

A Breath of Fresh Air

Arm opening window to let in air from outside in Chattanooga

4 Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Air pollution is just an outdoor problem, right? Turns out, indoor air can be even more polluted than what lurks outdoors. Irritants such as odors, moisture, dust, and gases all contribute to poor indoor air quality – which can cause a long list of symptoms including headaches, […]


house painting tools

The Psychology of Colors From painting a room to choosing impactful accents, understanding the effects of color can go a long way toward helping you fine-tune your home’s atmosphere. Different colors can have unique effects on your mood and psyche. It is beneficial to cultivate an environment that supports your mental and emotional health, so […]

Pest Control Pointers


How to Best the Pests The spring season is known for longer, warmer days, blooming flowers … and the pesky pests that invade your home. Yet according to Erik Gardner, a local licensed pest control operator, household pests aren’t just a springtime occurrence. These critters, including ants, termites, rodents, spiders, and cockroaches, are active year-round, […]

For Sale Finesse

construction paper cut out style house illustration in chattanooga

6 Tips When Preparing Your Home for Sale As the spring season approaches, new buds aren’t the only thing opening back up. The housing market typically slows in the winter months, but with warmer weather on the horizon, homebuyers will soon be bustling again. With that comes open houses and more showings, so if you’re […]

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