A Prescription for Addiction

Prescription medication is strewn about, with pill bottles in the deep background.

The Changing Face of Drug Abuse Drug abuse has changed venues – trading seedy back alleys for medicine cabinets in master baths. Sparing no demographic, prescription painkillers, sedatives and stimulants are being abused at a level only surpassed by the illegal use of marijuana – leaving cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine far behind. By Gretchen Smith […]

Eating Disorder

Eating is a natural and necessary part of everyday life, so how does it become disordered? The answer to that question may be as individual as the person diagnosed with an eating disorder. While a preoccupation with food may be the most commonly identifiable trait of eating disorders, this is not the whole story. Sheila […]

The Mind-Body Connection

Exercise and Mental Health We all know exercise keeps the body fit and active, but there’s a hidden beneficiary of physical activity: your mind. Researchers agree that being physically active for a mere 30 minutes a day can revolutionize your mental health by improving your mind, boosting self-esteem, reducing stress and reducing symptoms of mild […]

15 Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Research Increasingly Suggests Pets Boost Our Quality of Life My tortoiseshell tabby cat nudges the laptop, eyes my cup of steaming black coffee and settles on a nearby cushion. I scratch her head and rhythmic purrs fill the room. Her quiet company and unconditional love help me work, but they might also be lengthening my […]

Depression in Men

It’s not my problem,” reflects the view many men have of depression. Despite the fact that six million men are entangled by its symptoms every year, depression is often viewed by men as an illegitimate idea or a “woman’s problem.” Because depression bears this stigma, men can easily disregard it as a viable explanation for […]

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