Hair Care

woman with flowing red hair

Stress and Your Hair

Too much stress and anxiety can have damaging effects not only on your mental health, but also on your physical appearance. Here’s how it can

woman holding out her hair

Homemade Healthy Hair Masks

Did you know your own kitchen cabinets may hold the key to healthier hair? Dozens of everyday ingredients can make hair strong, lustrous, sleek, and

woman with an umbrella

Withstand the Weather

6 Hair Tips For Rainy Days April showers bring May flowers. They also bring hair disasters. Curly hair turns frizzy, voluminous hair goes flat, and

Illustration of woman with long hair

What is Keratin Treatment?

Your Ticket to Smooth & Shiny Hair All Season Long Since the invention of the ceramic flat iron, life has gotten much easier for those

Winter Hair Care

Products to Restore Moisture, Luster, and Growth Dry, dull, and damaged hair can be brought on in many ways, but luckily there are products on

radiant brown hair

Luscious Locks

Strands need a boost? “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” We’re taught from a young age that long luscious locks are a mark of beauty.

woman with strong healthy hair

5 Hair Habits You Should Break

Are you making one of these common mistakes? A healthier routine starts here. Habit 1: Setting the Heat too High Turning your blow-dryer’s heat on

woman with blow dryer

The Big Blowout

Getting that “hair commercial” look—amazing movement, voluminous bounce, lustrous shine—may be easier than you think. If you want that smooth, styled look of a professional

hairbrushes 101

Hairbrush 101

Any hair stylist can tell you that brushes are not “one size fits all”—each one is designed to carry out a particular function for a

Woman with blonde hair and dark roots

8 Do’s and Don’ts for Color-Treated Hair

The dyeing process can damage hair, leaving tresses dull and dry. With a little extra attention, color-treated hair can stay healthy and vibrant-looking longer. Follow

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