Inspired: Jessica Jollie & MaryLou Miller

Jessica Jollie inspired by MaryLou Miller


When I was asked to write a letter to another woman that inspires me, I knew that I wanted to express my gratitude to you! We are fortunate to have such a close relationship, and you are also the most supportive grandmother too. You are a trailblazer professionally and personally. I watched you gain your master’s degree in special education, demonstrating the importance of higher learning.

I was proud when you created a career as a behavior interventionist in the school system championing children and colleagues alike. You have courageously raised and shown horses, run marathons, obtained senior Olympic medals, and ridden your bicycle through more countries than I can recollect. Growing up, I did not understand why you toted me around to your exercise classes and activities. Now, I understand how important physical health is for your mental and emotional well-being. Thank you for teaching me that it is not selfish to take care of yourself first so that you can be your best for others. Lastly, you have exhibited unconditional love.

Thank you for being such an outstanding mentor, teacher, friend, coach, and adventurer. I aspire to do the same! I love you, Mom.

- Jessica

jollie and miller

MaryLou Miller (Left) and Jessica Jollie (Right)

Thank you for being such an outstanding mentor, teacher, friend, coach, and adventurer."

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