Intro to Kickboxing

Punch your way into shape with this high-energy kickboxing workout! The cardio-based routine, designed by Beth Mauldin at Total Fitness Kickboxing – East Brainerd, incorporates a mix of upper and lower body movements, which improves coordination while toning your muscles. Kickboxing is also an effective method for relieving stress. According to Beth, “This is a fun and effective workout that can burn up to 1,000 calories in under an hour!”

For each of these moves, you’ll need to start in a fighting stance – a fundamental position that allows for effortless movement. Begin by facing your punching bag or imaginary target. Step your left foot forward if you’re right-handed (put your right foot forward if you’re left-handed) and position your feet shoulder-distance apart. Bend your knees slightly. Then raise your fists up to your cheekbones while keeping your elbows in by your sides. Return to this starting position after completing each move. Your lead hand is your left hand if you’re right-handed (and vice versa).

Follow along with Beth, Jordon Dodd, and Jason May!


The jab is a straight punch thrown fast.

Imagine that your point of contact is eye level, and then extend your lead fist forward with your thumb turned toward the inside.

Reach the full extension. Return to the starting position, and repeat with your alternate or rear fist.

That’s one rep. Perform eight reps.


The cross is a strong, strategic punch thrown with your rear hand, so that your fist travels from the back of your body to the front.

Extend your rear fist forward while turning your torso for more power, and make contact with the target.

Return to the starting position, and repeat with your alternate fist.

That’s one rep. Perform eight reps.


The hook is a punch thrown with the lead hand while aiming for the side of the target.

Perform the move by drawing your elbow horizontally (your arm should be bent at a 90-degree angle), and then punch, rotating your torso clockwise with the hook.

Return to the starting position, and repeat with your alternate fist.

That’s one rep. Perform eight reps.

Knee Strike

Start with your rear knee, bringing it forward in a sharp, upward motion.

The power comes from the forward thrust of your hips.

After making contact with the target, return to the starting position, and repeat with your alternate knee.

That’s one rep. Perform eight reps.

Elbow Strike

Tuck your lead fist in at your chest, and swing your arm parallel to the floor while pivoting at the hip.

Strike the target with the point of your elbow.

Return to the starting position, and repeat with your alternate arm.

That’s one rep. Perform eight reps.

Roundhouse Kick

Pushing up on the balls of your feet, rotate your hips while driving your rear leg forward – the power comes from the rotation, rather than your kicking leg.

Connect with the target using your shin; at this point, your leg should be parallel with the ground.

Then retract your leg, and return to the starting position. Repeat with your alternate leg.

That’s one rep. Perform eight reps.

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