Surprising Your Spouse

Relationship Tips from Local Ladies

Marriage is a complex relationship that enriches many of our lives. However, coming up with creative ideas for ways to surprise your significant other can be a challenge during the constant hustle and bustle. Check out how these local ladies keep the flames of excitement flickering for a little inspiration on how to surprise your spouse this season!

courtney and bob poore

My husband and I own and operate several local businesses, so we work a lot. Plus, we’ve been married for almost 13 years. But, one way that we keep our marriage exciting is by surprising the other with a date night, like arranging a sitter so we can go to a concert. Another way we surprise each other is with the gift of some needed time alone to be active outdoors – one of us stays with the children so the other can go for a long outdoor run or a mountain bike ride.”

gena and edward ellis

My husband and I have been married for 25 years. It is so hard to surprise someone when you have been together that long. Plus, we are in the midst of parenting two teens and a young adult. So, we are constantly seeking ways to spend quality time together. I love to surprise him by making his favorite meal – hot wings, collard greens, and mac-n-cheese. It’s the little things that keep intimacy alive in our relationship.”

danielle and jack greer

It’s easy to come up with ways to bless my husband while we’re at home. The not-so-easy part is finding the time to bless him during the work week. But when I do, it’s fun to surprise him at his office with an afternoon Starbucks latté or cup of Pinkberry chocolate hazelnut. It may sound simple and insignificant, but I’m confident that it’s not the things that bring him joy – it’s the fact that I made the effort to put my busy self aside and make him a priority.”

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