Keep Trick-or-Treating Fun and Safe
Between the ghosts, the goblins, the candy, and the costumes, some kids look forward to Halloween all year long. With so much excitement surrounding the season, it’s important to keep Halloween traditions fun and safe.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer tons of useful precautions. Here are a few of our favorites:
- Only eat factory-made candies and treats and avoid homemade treats from strangers.
- Test makeup in a small area first to make sure there are no skin allergies. Be sure to remove makeup before bed.
- Examine treats for choking hazards or tampering before eating.
- Swords, knives, and other costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible.
- Don’t get too close to candles or luminaries. If possible, choose a flame-resistant costume.
- Only walk on sidewalks or the far edge of the road facing traffic when trick-or-treating from house to house.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention