Laura Fuller

New mom, Laura Fuller, is a gym-junkie who isn’t afraid to lift heavy weights. This self-proclaimed foodie lets nutrition take center stage in maintaining her preferred BMI. Her emphasis on health infuses daily life at home with her husband and son.

How Do You Emphasize Nutrition At Home?

I cook every night. My husband and I both love to cook and try to cook a healthy meal to set a good example for Hudson (their 18 mo. son).

I head to the Sports Barn in Hixson at about 5 a.m. five days a week and train with a personal trainer. I go early so that I’m home in time to get Hudson ready for school. We focus on strength training. I lift a lot of heavy weights and I love the results – I’m so much stronger than I have ever been. It’s great!

I would say, it makes you stronger all around as an individual. I’ve played sports my whole life, but I didn’t always watch what I ate, so I would sometimes ‘bulk-up.’ Now that I’m lifting heavy again, I’m also watching what I eat – so I would say, maintaining a healthy diet while you’re lifting heavy is crucial.

My son and I spend about three quarters of the day outside. He loves to be outside! We go on walks, go out on the boat, ride our bikes, and play with bubbles, chalk, and balls. We take him to Riverview Park a lot. It’s our favorite right now.

You have to make time for yourself. That’s actually the most important. Because if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of your family.

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