Candace Brown

A married mother of two teenagers, Candace values physical fitness as well as the benefits of taking intentional breaks. Throughout her successful career and active involvement in community organizations, she makes time to work out, helps motivate her family to stay active, and schedules downtime for essential R&R whenever she can.

HS: How do you promote a healthy lifestyle for your family?

CB: We do lots of things together, as a family. For example, we stay active in the community with volunteer work, and we like to travel. As far as physical fitness, we do a lot of walks (especially for causes) together. We recently participated in the American Heart Association’s walk in Atlanta, and we did the Chattanooga one as well. We love Callaway Gardens and have completed the 13-mile bike trail together.

It was also a requirement for our kids to play sports. I told them either they could choose, or I’d choose one for them!

HS: What are some of your interests?

CB: Well, I like to try to stay physically fit, so I do work out regularly. Also, I’m pretty active in the community. I’m involved as the treasurer for the graduate chapter of my sorority, which entails many meetings. I’m also the editor of a local chapter of a mother’s group which strives to keep children active in their communities through volunteer work and helping them build leadership skills.

HS: How do you prioritize your health in the midst of a full-time career, family life, and community activities?

CB: I try to go to the gym at least three days a week, but if I see that it will be hard to make that happen, I’ll usually make myself get away from my desk and go outside to walk a few blocks on my break. When I’m at the gym, I’ll usually do some type of cardio and then isolate specific areas. I like to work on my arms.

For mental health, I think taking breaks is important. I’m a big believer in vacations or staycations. Everyone just needs that time to decompress and get away for a bit. It gives you the opportunity to rest your body and your mind.

Candace’s Free Weight Arm Workout

Using 10 lb. weights

15-20 repetitions; 2 sets each arm

  • Biceps – with arms at your side, flex and extend each arm at elbow (palm facing up with free weight)
  • Deltoids – lift weight forward from shoulder with arm straight (palm facing inward)
  • Middle Deltoids – lift weight straight out to the side (palm facing down)
  • Posterior Deltoids – move arm straight back (keep elbow straight, palm inward)
  • Triceps – lift arm overhead, bend and straighten at elbow

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