Inspired: Niki Keck & Babs Gresko

Women Celebrating Women

The word inspire is defined as the act of filling someone with the urge or ability to do something, and here in Chattanooga, we have no shortage of incredible women who motivate those around them day in and day out. Whether they intentionally set out to be a role model or random acts of kindness are simply in their DNA, these women are making the world a better place. Read on to learn more about the individuals who encourage others to be the best version of themselves, told by those they inspired most.

Photography by Emily Pérez Long


inspired: Niki Keck

inspiration: Babs Gresko


My mom, Babs Gresko, has always been an inspiration to me and my biggest cheerleader. It is overwhelming to think of everything she has inspired me to do as a result of watching her in action. One of my biggest takeaways from her teachings is to fight for the underdog. Whether providing a safe home for a child, comfort to someone who has lost a loved one, or assistance to the unhoused population, she has always made sure to go the extra mile while fighting for and supporting those who feel they didn’t have a voice. Her expertise and selfless and loving heart make her an incredible mentor and inspiration to all who know her. 

Her influence is a huge part of why I have been involved with helping the unhoused population wherever I have lived and why I co-founded a homeless outreach nonprofit in Chattanooga called Help Right Here. My mother has not only supported me in my endeavors, but she has also helped make them possible. She is known in the community for going out of her way to help her clients and let them know that they matter and have a voice. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the love, support, and inspiration that my mom has given me. 


“I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the love, support, and inspiration that my mom has given me.”


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